Thankful for Blessings of Nature
My daily walk takes me on the same circuit to a nearby retention pond and circles back home. It’s a short walk of about 20 minutes with our dog, Grace, accompanying me. She needs the walk, you know.
Yet, yesterday, I was so aware and thankful for the little bits of nature - wildness - along this path.
Looking down into seed pods…….
And gazing at light illustrating with water…
On the way back I heard the sound that makes me stop and look up in the sky. The sound of the Sand Hill Cranes migrating south. They fly so high and continually make the most amazing sound.
Here’s a Youtube video of the “Sandies” in flight as they migrate south:
Each day now, I think, this may be the last flock of the season. The last beautiful, full-throated, chorus of the “Sandies” til next fall. And then I realize, in this land of 4 seasons (remember, I’m a California girl), there are specific sounds of nature for each season! Spring Peepers, Summer Cicadas provide their seasonal song. As I say goodbye to the fall sound of “Sandies”, I was reminded last night that the winter sound of the Great Horned Owl has arrived.
Thank you , Mother Nature, for the bounty of your gifts.
Great Horned Owl wing in the snow.