March 16: Quarantine and Nature


Schools, stores, bars, restaurants, museums, theatres - all closed.  We must keep to ourselves in our own homes.  Practice social distancing.  Two things I'm counting on to get me through are a daily yoga practice and a walk.  A walk around the block, a walk to the pond, a walk in the nearby woods, a walk in the Arboretum. 

Breathe fresh air, see the sky, hear the birds.....

Breathe fresh air, see the sky, hear the birds.....

Observe first signs of spring

Observe first signs of spring

Admire nature's sculptures...

Admire nature's sculptures...

And greet my fellow humans with a waive, a smile, a short (socially distant) exchange, that connects our spirits.

Stay well, stay connected.



Spring Discoveries


Snow: Nature’s Paintbrush