Scarlett Locoweed - September Calendar Flower
Scarlett Locoweek Astragalus coccineus
George photographed this brilliant red flower in April of 1983. He most probably found the flowers in Death Valley. The Scarlett Locoweed is part of a very large legume genus of hundreds of Astragalus, with almost 20 found in Death Valley alone.
The seed pods of the Scarlett Locoweed are in keeping with its “Pea” cousins, shaped like peapods, except coated with a hairy exterior.
Astragalus coccineus come from the Greek words for “anklebone” and “scarlett” . Quite appropriate!
You can imagine that it’s no accident that “Loco” is part of this flower’s name. If ingested by livestock it effects their nervous system and causes them to appear to go crazy! So if you encounter this flower, best to leave it alone.
2022 Calendar will be available October 1st!