March Calendar Flower - The Cheerful Suncup
Sun Cup - Camissonia
George hasn’t left any notes about where or when he took this Sun Cup’s portrait. It turns out there are a number of species of Sun Cups in California and George frequented all their habitats!
Camissonia cheiranthifolia, or Beach evening primrose, grows all along the California coastline. It grows low to the ground with thick stem and leaves.
Camissonia confusa, or San Bernardino Sun Cup, grows in a much drier environs.
Camissonia hardhamiae, or Hardham’s evening primrose, is quite rare, and is found in woodland foothills.
Which one did George photograph? It’s a mystery!
There are almost 150 species of Evening Primrose, or Sun Cups in the genus of Oenothera. From these small, low to ground California varieties, to the over 6 foot Illinois prairie variety that happily grow in my yard. They all have in common being a sunny, cheerful flower!