Happy Birthday, George!
George, circa 1980, at friend Michael Moore’s, Radar Ranch. He’s in his “element”!
Today, February 2nd, was George’s birthday. He would have been 105.
It is my privilege to keep his visual legacy alive. George’s passion for wild areas, for plants grand and tiny, are reflected in his images.
For this birthday, I chose to celebrate George with one of his favorite flowers - the Sacred Datura, Datura wrightii. Common in the Southwest United States, it has a luminescence, a sense of mystery. Artist, Georgia O’Keefe, was taken with the Datura, and painted it numerous times. George was a big fan of O’Keefe’s. Perhaps that is part of his fascination with photographing this elegant flower.
George’s “Sacred Datura”
Datura Silhouette #2
Datura Silhouette #1
Datura - Palm Desert Revealer
Happy birthday, Dad. Love you.